
vineri, 30 septembrie 2011

Today's Book! Nemira's pick & our pick!

As some of you know, Nemira is doing a thing called "every day book recommandations". We want to show some support to the publishers we so much love, and also to you, our readers, to get you some suggestions. Who knows if you'll find here you're future favourite book? So here we are.

From Nemira - today's book is...

Andrea Calogero Camilleri - Hotul de merinde [Il Ladro di Merendine]

Let's see why Nemira picked this. It's a suspense-genre book and it's about solving an Italian Crime, an even trickier than a normal crime. Vague, right?
Goodreads says this :

In the third book in Andrea Camilleri's Inspector Montalbano series, the urbane and perceptive Sicilian detective exposes a viper's nest of government corruption and international intrigue in a compelling new case. When an elderly man is stabbed to death in an elevator and a crewman on an Italian fishing trawler is machine-gunned by a Tunisian patrol boat off Sicily's coast, only Montalbano suspects the link between the two incidents. His investigation leads to the beautiful Karima, an impoverished housecleaner and sometime prostitute, whose young son steals other schoolchildren's midmorning snacks. But Karima disappears, and the young snack thief's life-as well as Montalbano's-is on the line . . 
 and Nemira says this to our romanian fellows :

Andrea Camilleri este autorul italian al momentului. Seria ce il are ca protagonist pe Salvo Montalbano – un amestec unic de umor, cinism, compasiune si dragoste pentru mancaruri rafinate – a devenit un adevarat fenomen international. Cel mai iubit detectiv italian traieste in Sicilia zilelor noastre, unde aventurile tipice unui roman politist se impletesc cu traditiile locale. Atmosfera unica este incununata de dialectul sicilian, o vorbire insolita si niciodata banala.
Comisarul-sef Salvo Montalbano...banuieste ca exista legaturi intre acele victime ucise cu violenta: un tunisian imbarcat pe un pescador italian din Mazara del Vallo, impuscat, si un batran din Vigata, injunghiat in lift.
Investigatia...duce catre frumoasa Karima, o menajera care ofera clientilor si „servicii” suplimentare. Cand Karima dispare fara urma, fiul ei, infometat, incepe sa fure pachetelele de pranz ale altor copii. Tanarul hot de merinde ajunge in grija comisarului sicilian, dar viata lor este pusa in pericol pe masura ce iese la lumina implicarea serviciilor secrete in afacere.
„Sa rezolvi o crima in Italia este mult mai complicat decat in filmele americane [...]. Iar daca situatia e incurcata pe continent, ea devine si mai incurcata in Sicilia. Unde altundeva ar putea un politist sa se bucure de o masa apetisanta, pregatita de un hot devenit bucatar peste noapte, «sub inspiratia directa a Fecioarei»? Seria Comisarul Montalbano ne poarta intr-o lume stranie, plina de culoare si de personaje memorabile.” Library Journal
Why would we read this?

  • It has humor. We love humor. Good books have to have humor, good lines, witty situations if they ever want to be read.
  • The background is a traditional, Sicilian one. So we have people, traditions, the language, descriptions of landscapes - new things, from the real world that every reader would enjoy.
  • Let's face it, it is about solving a crime! Who doesn't love a detective's way of solving a crime?!
  • A beautiful maid is involved. That doesn't end good and it is not about the genre or the typical detective books.
  • Recommended by "Library Journal" and Nemira. Isn't this good enough?
Order link :

And our pick is from another Romanian Publisher - LEDA Books.
And we chose this :
The Nine Lives of Chloe King by Liz Braswell
Goodreads : 

Chloe King is a normal girl. She goes to class (most of the time), fights with her mom, and crushes on a boy…or two. But around her sixteenth birthday, Chloe finds that perhaps she isn’t so normal after all. There’s the heightened night vision, the super fast reflexes – oh, and the claws.

As she discovers who she is – and where she comes from – it is clear she is not alone. And someone is trying to get her.

Chloe has nine lives. But will nine be enough?
And Leda :

MOARTEA CHIAR POATE SĂ-I SCHIMBE VIAŢA UNEI FETEChloe King este o fată obişnuită. Merge la şcoală, îşi face temele, mai trage uneori chiulul de la ore, se ceartă cu mama ei, şi se îndrăgosteşte de un băiat… sau doi.
Dar, înainte de a împlini şaisprezece ani, descoperă că i se întâmplă multe lucruri ciudate: îi cresc gheare de pisică, vede perfect pe întuneric, devine tot mai agilă, iar când cade din cel mai înalt turn din San Francisco moare, după care învie.
Pe măsură ce descoperă adevărul despre originile ei, totul devine o luptă pentru supravieţuire. Din fericire pentru Chloe, ea mai are încă opt vieţi. Dar oare îi vor fi suficiente? 
Why we chose this? Because it's about a teen, just almost as us [haha!], because she does normal things that everybody can relate to, but mostly because it's about something surreal in this story. Want to find out what? Then go on and read it!
Read the excerpt here :

So, what's your today's book?!

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